Case study 1
- Special school
Child’s name & age:
AB, 12
Main areas of concern:
Playing with private parts, poking bottom, smearing faeces, refusal to have hair cut, refusal to go to dentist
Child’s name & age:
AB, 12
Main areas of concern:
Playing with private parts, poking bottom, smearing faeces, refusal to have hair cut, refusal to go to dentist
Child’s name & age:
CD, 5
Main areas of concern:
Does not stay in seat, cannot complete work, very rough with classmates, refuses to sit for circle time, occasionally hits and bites staff
Child’s name & age:
EF, 13
Main areas of concern:
Inconsistent attendance at school, increasing incidence of school refusal, minimal friendships, refusing to leave house
Child’s name & age:
GH, 9
Main areas of concern:
Biting his hand, banging his head, hitting and biting staff, high frequency of repetitive behaviours (pacing, flapping hands in front of eyes), eating non-food items
Child’s name & age:
IJ, 16
Main areas of concern:
Sensory over-responsive,
Aggressive and negative outbursts during transport to and from School and in the classroom
Child’s name & age:
KL, 13
Main areas of concern:
Selective mutism in school, refusal to complete work; and to participate in class and sometimes to sit in class. Sensory over responsive, particularly with tactile and auditory input.